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Sunday, 14 October 2018

Conduct of Rashtreeya Avishkar abhiyan from OCTOBER 29 to November 02 2018 on behalf of abdul kaalam birthday- orders issued


Rc.No. S-l02 A C&T SCERT-TS 2017 Dated 11-10-2018

Sub: SCERT, Telangana, Hyderabad Conduct of Rashtnya Ayishkar Saptah 2018 Reg 

Ref: Guidelines of Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah 2018 given by NCERT, New Delhi.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference cited above and they are Informed that Depatlment of Education n Science & Mathematics, NCERT, New Delhi has given the guidelines for conduct of Rashtriya Awishkar Saptah 2018 from October 29 to November 02/ 2018 (October being the month of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Birth Anniversary Which IS declared as Rashtriya Awishkar Saptah 2018). During this week all students at Secondary stage of one school of every Mandal across the state, will uniformly carry out a study on "Testing of Water” involving experimentation as per the gven  guidelines. These experiments should be conducted within the periods allocated for laboratory work within the school timetable. 

To implement the Rashtreeya Avishkar Saptah-2018, an amount of Rs.2,000/@ one school per Mandal has been sanctloned by SPD, SSA, Telangana. 

Therefore the DEOs are instructed to select one school from each Mandal under State Govt Sector (Govt/ZP/ResidentIal/Model/KGBV Schools) to implement the Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah 2018, which has functional Science/Chemistry Laboratory. The school should have classes of both Secondary and Higher Secondary levels i.e. from Class IX to Intermediate. 

They are also Informed to send one AMO and One Strong Physical Science Teacher along With the List of Schools selected of their district for State Level Orientation Programme on 24.10.2018 by 10.00 am sharp at TSIPARD, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. 
SCERT Telangana Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah 2018 

Under PAB programme of MHRD, Government of India, Department of Education in Science and Mathematics (DESM), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi has declared the last week of October, that '15, October 29 to November 02, 2018 (October being the month of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam's birth anniversary) as ‘Rashtriya Aavishkar Saptah 2018’. During this week, all students at Secondaxy and Higher Secondary Stages, of one school of every Mandal/Block across the country, will uniformly carry out a study involving experimentation as per the Guidelines developed by NCERT. These experiments may be conducted within the periods allocated for laboratory work within the school time table. 

Objectives To generate enthusiasm and to encourage experimentation/exploration among school students at Secondary and Higher Secondary Stages so that they become motivated and engaged in Science and Mathematics. 

> To involve students in understanding and sensitization of some common issues and local problems.
 > To make students aware of some testing procedures so that they become vigilant about the quality of water in their locality. 
> To help in spreading a wave of awareness about the quality of water in our country. 

Theme: “Testing of Water" 

Parameters: Testing the samples of water on the following three parameters 1. Foaming Capacity 

2. Hydrogen lon Concentration (pH) 

3. Total Alkalinity of Water 

Dates for Conduct of Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah 2018: 

> October 29 to November 02, 2018 in one school from each Mandal of the State. 

> In exceptional circumstances, schools may decide to opt for another suitable week (preferably succeeding week). 

Selection of     School: 

DEO has to select a school, which has classes for both Secondary and Higher Secondary levels i.e. from Class IX to XII, from each Mandel. 

> The selected school should have a functional Science/Chemistry laboratory. 

> It would be desirable to select a co-educational school. If not possible, then care should be taken that within a District almost equal number of girls schools and boys schools shall be selected. 

> While making selection for the schools, an equal representation of rural and urban schools may be ensured. 

If Higher Secondary School is not available any Mandal, in such case, one Secondary School and one Junior College may be selected. If possible, twinning of these two  schools may be done. 
Funding: The Items required {or the suggested procedures for testing the water are available in  a fully functional science/ chemistry laboratory of any higher secondary school. 

> However, an amount of Rs.2000/per school is sanctioned to buy some items 
needed for the study "Testing of Water".

 > In Districts, where one Secondary School and one Jr. College has been selected from a Mandal, Rs. 2000/shall be allocated to each school. 

Academic Support:

 > The faculty members of SCERT and DIETS may be involved for providing academicsupport to the selected schools. 

> The science faculty member(s) of Higher Education Institutes (HEI) located close to the schools may also be involved. 

> Mandal Education Officer/DyJO. may visit the school to facilitate theconduct ofexperiment. 

School management: 

> Schools under State Govt Sector (Govt/ZP/Residential/ModeI/KGBV Schools) shallbe selected for organising this event. 

Team work: 

> Efficient conduct of study during Rashtn'ya Aavishkar Saptah requires the involvementof each and everybody in the school including MRCs, CRCs, school head, teachers, laboratory assistants, laboratory attendants, etc.

 > In team work collaborative eHorts are provided by all members of the team for a commongoal It may be assured that all persons involved know their own responsibility. Stage appropriate involvement of the students in performing experiments: 

> All students of classes IX to XII of the selected school will carry out the experiments within the stipulated time periods assigned to them in the laboratory.

 > Student may perform experiments in the group of three or more as per convenience of space and infrastructure for performing experiments. Procedure for performing experiments for study: 

> The guidelines containing procedure may be distributed to teachers, school heads, education administrators, etc, in advance. 

> Students may be provided the procedure for conducting the experiments on testingof water. 

Roleof teachers while performing experiments:

 > Teacher may provide instructions/hand holding prior to the students perform 

the experiments on the selected theme in a scientific manner. 

> She/he may make the students aware about the scientific method for performing study, objectives of the study, how to gather the data scientiiically and what precautions they may take while doing the experiments or preparations before the experiments.  


Physical Environment and setting of Science and Chemistry Laboratory:
/Laboratory assistant may setup laboratory,under guidance of concerned
teacher,prior to the science practical period in such a way that all the material
requircd for the experiments are available and easily accessible in a simple and


not cluttered manner for the easy conduct of the experiments.
The working table or chairs may be arranged in such a way that facilitate
fexible actions of the students in groups without wasting of the time.


Experiments should be performed as normal routine of the laboratory practice.
F'or a positive,calm,pleasant work.atmosphere,teachers may let the students
know that they may get various data and errors may also be expected so that
there will not be any fear,anxiety or tension among the performing studentsand inculcation of values among the students will be encouraged.

XV.Awareness about the event:

7  To create awareness about the event among the students,the school should fixa poster within the school premises.
The poster may be hand painted on paper/cloth having following details:
Title:"Testing of Water".
Name of the School:
>SMDC members and local community people may also be made aware about
the event and may be invited on the last day for sharing the findings of thestudy.
XVI.Sharing of findings at school level:
>Schools may widely share findings on all platforms,such as,with students of
classes other than IX-XII,parents,community,etc.
Sharing of information about the water-testing experiment performed in each
school is an important aspect of the study.This will make students,teachers,
and schools feel that the study they embark on is an important one.Such information may be shared through the following:
1.Students can share about their experiences to other students(class I to VIII
during one of their Science periods)in their school.The information shared
should focus on the following:
(i)Demonstration of the experiments(if possible)
(ii)About their experiences
(iii)What they learned
(iv)Difficulties they faced
(v)What they found about the water quality
2.Students can prepare a write-up about the findings of the whole school andget it published in some local newspapers.It will be a huge encouragement
for students to see their work being published in a print media and also
bring a sense of satisfaction for their parents.
or full proceeding DOWNLOAD

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